{t: My Prayer} {key:A} {artist:The Platters} Capo 1 {c: } [Em] When the twilight is gone, [Am] [E7] and no songbirds are singing. [Am] [Em] When the twilight is gone, [Am] [E7] you come into my heart [Am] and [Dm] here in my [C7] heart, you will [E7] stay..while I [A] pray.. My [E7] prayer, is to linger with [F#dim] you. At the end of the [Dm] day, in a dream that's di..[A] vine.[E7] My [A] prayer is a rapture in [F#dim] bloom, With the[B7] world far a-[Dm]way, and your [E7] lips close to [A] mine. [Dm] [Am] To-[Dm]night, while our hearts are a-[Am]glow.. oh, [Dm] tell me the words, [B7] that I'm longing to [E7] know.. My [A] prayer and the answer you [F#dim] give, may they [B7] still be the [Dm] same, for as long as we [A] live, [E6] that you'll always be [Bm7] there.. [E7] at the end of my..[A] pra-[Dm]yer [A] [Dm] [A]