{t: Singing In The Rain} {artist: Gene Kelly} {key: G} {c: } I'm [G] singin' in the rain Just [D] singin' in the rain What a [A] glorious feelin' I'm [Bm] happy a-[D7]gain I'm [G] laughin' at clouds, so [D] dark up a-[D7]bove The [Am7] sun's in my [D7] heart and I'm [Bm] ready for [D] love {c: } Let the [G] stormy clouds chase Every-[D]one from the place Come [A] on with the rain I've a [Bm] smile on my [D7] face I [Am7] walk down the [D7] lane with a [Am7] happy re-[D7]frain Just [Am7] dancinin' and [D7] singin' in the [G] rain